Established in 2011, ORCD is an Afghan national organization registered with the Ministry of Economy. ORCD’s efforts are guided by its mission “Using evidence-based best practice approach, empower communities to set and achieve their own development goals”.
ORCD having Special Consultative Status with the UN since 2015:
ORCD is the first Afghan NGO representing civil societies in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)of the United Nations. Such a status had never been granted to any Afghan NGO ever before in the history of Afghanistan.
Demonstrated Track Record of Working with the Government of Afghanistan:
Apart from having a successful track record of partnership with MoPH, ORCD also an excellent track of working relation with the following ministries: (i) Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) for having contracts of National Solidarity Program and Citizen Charter;(ii) Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA); (iii) Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) having a BPHS contract being its client; (iv) Ministry of Irrigation, Agriculture and Livestock (MAIL); (v) Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MORR). In addition, it has been having successful contractual relationships with four UN agencies: WFP, UNOCHA, UNHCR, and UN-Women for implementing various projects.
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AICS Certification:
Having the award of excellence in Human Resources, ORCD is the largest Afghan NGO certified by the Afghanistan Institute of Civil Society (AICS) -the only certifying body offering certification of NGOs in Afghanistan for having strongsystems inProgram Management, Program Delivery, Financial Management, Internal Governance, Strategic Planning, Human Resources, Communication, and Outreach. (The AICS certification letter is attached in the relevant section).
It is worth mentioning that there are only few others NGO who have passed this vigorous process. For further details, please check with AICS (
Involvement with the United Nations Agencies in Afghanistan:
Apart from having served as the elected member of Humanitarian Country Team during 2016, ORCD is an elected Co-Chair of the Health Cluster. ORCD successful working relationship with seven major UN agencies (UNHCR, WHO, UNDP, UNODC, WFP, UN Women and UNOCHA). ORCD is one of the few Afghan NGOs passing the due diligence of UNOCHA enabling it to access Common Humanitarian Funds (CHF) which is now called Afghanistan Humanitarian Funds (AHF). With these funds, ORCD significantly contributed to strengthening health systems in Baghlan, Ghazni, Laghman, Zabul and Sarepul provinces. Apart from other services, it supported the MOPH in constructing three standard annex buildings for the Provincial Hospitals of Baghlan, Laghman and Ghazni as well as the District Hospital in Shajoy.
Provision of BPHS and Citizen Charter programs in Afghanistan
The consistent growth of ORCD over the recent years illustrated in the following chart could portray its success in its operations since its establishment:
Meanwhile, ORCD is one of the implementers of huge programs of the Government of Afghanistan i.e. Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in Ghazni, Sarepul, and Zabul as well as Afghan Citizen Charter Program of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and in Ghazni and Paktika Provinces. Ever in the history of Paktika Province, ORCD became the first NGO which propelled the National Solidarity (NSP) program to success setting a precedence for this province.
Mainly deploying bottom-up leadership approach, its head office is in Kabul with 13 provincial offices with a total 1800 staff. It has implemented around 30 projects in more than 20 provinces of Afghanistan in the field of health, education, women empowerment, rural development, and agriculture.
ORCD is working in following Provinces